This Monday (28/08), the director of the Internet and Social Media Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Marie Santini, alongside the vice-president of WMcCann RJ, as well as NetLab UFRJ researcher Marcio Borges, were the guests of the day on the podcast Crónica Estéreo, produced by the Chilean newspaper La Tercera.
In the episode titled ‘The fake news industry beyond politics’, researchers highlight so-called fake news as an important tool in the “Disinformation Industry”, explaining that many advertisers on the internet profit by deceiving millions of users daily, through biased and personalized ads to reach specific groups.
The lack of accountability of big media and technology companies, as well as the economic gains from spreading fraudulent content, were topics that also received special attention during the conversation. Furthermore, the interview mentioned a NetLab UFRJ study on the bill to regulate digital platforms, addressing the problems linked to Big Techs in Brazil.
Presented by journalist and writer Francisco Aravena, the Crónica Estéreo podcast produces informative content from Monday to Friday and can be heard on various audio streaming applications. Experts are invited to each episode to discuss issues and news on politics, communication and technology in Chile and the world.