Opening slide from the report ‘Ecology of Regional Media in the Legal Amazon’ / Credits: NetLab UFRJ
Members of the Internet and Social Network Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ) participated in an online seminar held this Thursday (04/08). At the event, which was attended by several social organizations active in the environmental agenda in Brazil and around the world, researchers were invited to present the report“Ecologia da Mídia Regional na Amazônia Legal"(Ecology of the Regional Media in the Legal Amazon Zone).
Research for the report mapped and analyzed the socio-environmental coverage of local news portals operating in the nine states of the Legal Amazon Zone. The research explored 816 online media outlets in the region, studying: their relationship with the region and any affiliation with media networks; their socio-environmental coverage (or lack thereof); their adherence to practices that give credibility to journalism; and their position in the regional political economy.
The study is authored by researchers Rose Marie Santini, Débora Salles, Heloísa Traiano, Carlos Eduardo Barros, Marina Loureiro, Bruno Mauricio Mattos Martins, Bianca Melo, Daphne Silva and Thamyres Magalhães, and is developed within the line of research 'Environment and Climate Change' at NetLab UFRJ.