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OAB-RJ receives Marie Santini, director of NetLab, in online mentoring on digital advertising

Director of NetLab UFRJ, Marie Santini, participates in OAB-RJ event | Photo: Reproduction - YouTube

This Monday (10/23), the director of the Internet and Social Network Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Rose Marie Santini, participated in the OAB-RJ (Order of Brazilian Lawyers-Rio de Janeiro) online event ‘Permanent Training: Practice in Consumer Law’. She presented the paper “Unregulated Digital Advertising: Scams, Fraud and the Disinformation Industry on Digital Platforms”.

The study addresses irregular online advertising practices and the existence of an industry of disinformation on digital platforms, seen as a direct consequence of the problems that permeate online advertising. During the presentation, the professor highlighted the regulation of digital platforms and the growing wave of fraud in the virtual environment.

The broadcast featured members of the OAB-RJ, such as the vice-president of the Order, Ana Tereza Basilio; the president of the Consumer Protection Commission, Tarciso Amorim; in addition to lawyers Diogo de Souza e Mello, member of the Consumer Law Commission; and André Proença, vice-president of CMAI- OAB Barra.

Coordinated by Thais Fontes, president of the OAB-RJ Legal Mentoring Commission, the event features a series of debates open to the public that are broadcast live on the organization's official channels. In this edition, issues from the legal world intersect with studies on the internet and social networks linked to disinformation, highlighted in the lecture based on research by NetLab UFRJ.

The mentoring session was recorded and is available on YouTube.


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