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Sexuality in dispute: The targeting of advertisements on Meta networks towards the LGBTQIAP+ community during the 2022 elections

P2P Inovation

Despite measures to reduce the prevalence of attacks on sexual and gender minorities on digital platforms, discriminatory and hateful advertisements have been sponsored by politicians during election campaigns around the world.

This article analyzes the discursive and ad targeting strategies about the LGBTQIAP+ population on Meta's platforms during the 2022 electoral campaign to understand how the rights of this population were instrumentalized in a polarized political scenario.

The researchers collected 3,703 advertisements against and in favor of the rights of the LGBTQIAP+ community broadcast in Brazil during the first round and systematized the segmentation and investment data, in addition to analyzing the content broadcast by the main advertisers. Anti-LGBTQIAP+ ads were predominant in the campaign, receiving more investment and reaching a larger audience than pro-LGBTQIAP+ content.

The results indicate that the governance measures promoted by Meta may not be sufficient to prevent the circulation of discriminatory and hateful advertisements.


How to cite: HADDAD , João Gabriel; SALLES , Débora Gomes; ROSE MARIE SANTINI. SEXUALIDADE EM DISPUTA: o direcionamento de anúncios nas redes da Meta sobre a comunidade LGBTQIAP+ durante as eleições de 2022. P2P & INOVAÇÃO, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 11, n. 1, p. e-6681, 2024. DOI: 10.21728/p2p.2024v11n1e-6681.


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