In the week of August 25th, the Superior Electoral Court banned cell phones in the polling booth and reiterated the ban on carrying weapons within 100 meters of polling stations, with the recourse to request searches of voters with metal detectors and, in case of refusal, impeding them to vote.
As October 2 approaches, questions over electoral integrity are increasingly widespread on messaging apps. More recently, a specific type of content has gained prominence: problematic guidance on how voters should act on the day and during voting to “avoid fraud” and “ensure security”.
Encouraging cell phone use in the polling station, messages proposing “individual audit” strategies and parallel counting via third-party applications are presented by sectors of the hyper-partisan media as voters' rights, however, they contravene rules and electoral court decisions.
To investigate the circulation of false information that has the potential to induce voters to harmful behavior and threaten the security of elections on polling day, Netlab UFRJ analyzed more than 4,000 messages published on messaging applications (Whatsapp and Telegram) between July 25 and September 26, 2022. We also observed advertisements boosted on Meta's platforms with messages in support of public counting and in defense of printed votes.
How to cite: Netlab UFRJ. Ameaças à segurança da votação. 29 de Setembro de 2022, Escola de Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.